December 14, 2010

"Batman: Arkham City" Hugo Strange Reveal Trailer

It seems 2011 will be another year full of superhero goodness! A new trailer has appeared for the sequel to the acclaimed "Batman: Arkham Asylum" video game titled "Batman: Arkham City" featuring the one and only Dark Knight.

"Batman: Arkham Asylum" took the the superhero genre of gaming to a new height, being crowned as the best superhero video game to date. And I completely agree with that.

Anyway, in this trailer we see the probable main villain of the game - Hugo Strange. The CG trailer looks really impressive, as it almost looks like the characters are real actors. Here's the trailer.

"Thor" Official Trailer Released!

If you were fast enough, you would've have seen the leaked trailer from Comic-Con a few months ago. It got some fans really excited, including me. But this time Marvel has officially released the trailer.

Although it's pretty much the same as the one leaked before, it contains a lot of new scenes with different cuts, and pretty much looks like an "official movie trailer" if you catch my drift.

November 23, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #648

Story: Dan Slott
Art: Humberto Ramos

"Brand New Day" is over, and "Big Time" starts. Now, Dan Slott is the sole writer of the book, with artists rotating between Humberto Ramos, Marcos Martin, and Stefano Caselli. With this, I hope the storytelling and flow between stories become more consistent compared to when the book had several writers.

This issue features an all-star cast - Avengers, Sinister Six, the supporting cast of Spider-Man appear in the book. Slott has laid the groundwork on this issue that will play out as time goes by.

November 22, 2010

"Green Lantern" Movie Trailer Released!

Finally, Warner Bros. has released a trailer for their upcoming superhero movie, "Green Lantern". The film stars Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan, Blake Lively as Carol Ferris, Mark Strong as Sinestro, and Peter Sarsgaard as Hector Hammond.

The trailer already features a lot of characters from the Green Lantern universe - Kilowog, Tomar Tu, Sinestro, and a look at Oa. Also, we get to see the Green Lantern costume in action. What's interesting is that instead of the traditional spandex, the costume is made of a construct from GL's ring, and it definitely looks like that in the trailer.

The movie is set to be released in June 17th, 2011.

November 17, 2010

Review: Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #4

Story: Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Fernando Pasarin, Cam Smith

I guess the cover of this issue says it all - Sodam Yat is back! He gets a major development in this issue but it pretty much doesn't meet up with the what the cover says.

Tomasi's work on "Green Lantern Corps" was really outstanding. But I gotta admit his work here is not that good compared to that. He gives most of the book to Guy Gardner, trying to make him likeable. But that's the downside of the book, sadly.

November 9, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #647

It's been three years since the "Brand New Day" era began, and now the web-heads braintrust are putting an end to it with this issue. After the very controversial arc "One More Day," many fans dropped the book, but some fans still supported "Amazing Spider-Man" despite of the big retcon Marvel did. I'm one of those fans.

Anyway, "Amazing Spider-Man" #647 is the final issue in the "Brand New Day" era of the book. And just like "Amazing Spider-Man" #600, all of the web-heads, or braintrust, each contributed a story. Since some of the stories aren't really connected with each other, I'm gonna review the stories individually.

November 8, 2010

Review: Brightest Day #13

Story: Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Adrian Syaf, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Vicente Cifuentes

"Brightest Day" has finally reached its halfway point with issue #13. And because Hawkman and Hawkgirl have been absent from the book for a couple of issue already, it's not surprising that almost all of the issue is dedicated to them, with the last two pages about Deadman and Dove.

One good thing about it is the story flows throughout the book consistenly. And because of that, we get to read almost a full story about the characters, instead of little chunks of story like in the previous issues.

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #646

Story: Mark Waid
Art: Paul Azaceta, Matthew Southworth

This issue wraps up the final arc on the Brand New Day era of Amazing Spider-Man, "Origin of the Species." Dr. Octopus has hired several of Spider-Man's deadliest villains to kidnap Osborn and Lily Hollister's baby.

Lizard has captured the baby from Chameleon, and has taken the baby to his underground lair, although it is unclear why he wants the baby aside from the fact Lizard hates Osborn.

November 2, 2010

"Captain America: The First Avenger" Pictures

Marvel has released some high quality pictures from their upcoming film, "Captain America: The First Avenger." The photos feature Chris Evans in his Captain America costume, as well as Hugo Weaving in a Hydra uniform.

Hit the jump to view the pictures. "Captain America: The First Avenger" is set to be released on July 22nd, 2011.

October 26, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #645

Story: Mark Waid
Art: Paul Azaceta, Matthew Southworth

Origin of the Species is the final arc on this Brand New Day era of Spider-Man, and the team of Mark Waid and Paul Azaceta are going all out with this one.

Basically, Doc Ock hired Spider-Man's most dangerous villains to kidnap Norman Osborn and Lily Hollister's baby. With the combined goblin blood of Norman and Lily, Doc Ock believes that the baby could cure his current illness. But of course, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man won't let that happen.

October 25, 2010

Review: Green Lantern Corps #53

Story: Tony Bedard
Art: Tyler Kirkham, Batt

Bedard's "Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns" arc just finished last issue, and it proved Bedard to be a great writer for the book. Here comes the first chapter of his new arc, "The Weaponer," and it doesn't fall short to his previous story.

The issue focuses more on the tandem of Kyle Rayner and Soranik, who's role would be essential to the story later on. Judging from this issue, the story seems to build up from the "Sinestro Corps War" as it focuses on Sinestro's relationship with the Weaponer of Qward.

October 12, 2010

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #129: Ant-Man

Although this Ant-Man is not Dr. Hank Pym anymore, the name Ant-Man is still one of the core members of the Avengers. The more I look at this figure, the more it looks better to me.

September 27, 2010

Review: Green Lantern #57

Story: Geoff Johns
Art: Doug Mahnke

Johns is slowly revealing each of the seven colors' entities per issue. Last issue, it was Ophidian taking over Hector Hammond, this time it's the Predator, though the Predator is already known.

The focus of this issue is more on Carol Ferris than Jordan and Larfleeze. It picks up where the last issue ended - Ophidian. After a little battle with the two, Ophidian-Hector runs away and goes for Carol in Las Vegas, where Jordan and Larfleeze follow suit.

September 16, 2010

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #101: War Machine

If you have Iron Man in your collection, you gotta have a War Machine. He's like a greyscaled Iron Man, but with more guns and missiles!

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #30: Black Panther

Here's another one of the main members of the Avengers - Black Panther.

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Special: The Hulk

After waiting for a few years, I finally got myself one of the core members of the Avengers - The Hulk. Good things come to those who wait, indeed. Hulk Smash!

DC Comics Superhero Collection #60: Dr. Fate

When I got into the DC line of lead figures, I said to myself to only get the Green Lanterns. But when a WIP of Dr. Fate was sneaked a long time ago, the sculpt is so beautiful that I knew I had to get him when he comes out. So I present Dr. Fate!

DC Comics Superhero Collection #38: GL Guy Gardner

Here's another Green Lantern figure I got. He's probably the angriest and most aggressive Green Lantern there is.

DC Comics Superhero Collection #55: GL John Stewart

It's been a while since I posted something related to DC lead figures. Well, I got another GL figure - John Stewart.

September 15, 2010

Review: Brightest Day #9

Story: Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Patrick Gleason, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado

It seems Boston Brand is the only character who consistently appears on every issue of "Brightest Day". That's no surprise, because he's pretty the White Lantern as of this moment. On the other hand, other characters like Firestorm still does not appear in this issue.

We are teased with the new Aqualad, a boy by the name of Jackson, showing us a bit of his powers. It is then cut-off with his dad warning him about using his powers in public, then calls him inside.

September 10, 2010

Review: Shadowland #3

Story: Andy Diggle
Art: Billy Tan

I really had high hopes for Shadowland when it was first announced. Daredevil slowly moving on to the dark side? I wouldn't say brilliant but it's the logical next step when looking at Daredevil's character. Unfortunately, with three issues in, the event is still pretty disappointing.

The subplot with the Kingpin and Lady Bullseye is probably the most interesting part of the event and I'm eager to see what happens next with the confrontation of Ghost Rider and Kingpin. At least we got the answer why Ghost Rider just suddenly appeared like that.

September 5, 2010

Review: Invincible Iron Man #29

Story: Matt Fraction
Art: Salvador Larroca

Everytime I read Fraction's "Invinvible Iron Man" I feel like I'm watching a TV drama. And just like every drama shows out there, there's something big about to bust out eventually, usually towards the end.

For almost a year now, "Invincible Iron Man" has been about rebuilding Tony Stark. The last arc was about "resurrecting" Tony Stark back to life, and this arc is about rebuilding Stark Industries to Stark Resilient.

September 1, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #640

Story: Joe Quesada
Art: Paolo Rivera, Joe Quesada, Danny Miki, Richard Isanove

After the miraculous CPR of Peter last issue, the other explanation we get for that by Joe Quesada is... love. Yes, a miracle like this happens in real life, but in the context of "One Moment In Time," I can't get it out of my head that Mephisto's all behind it. That love concept may be an easy way out when one cannot give a rational explanation, however if you can't accept that, then you just have to believe. You decide on that.

Quesada got me with the nurse wearing a red outfit last issue. I assumed that was Mephisto, but after reading this, I guess she's just a plain nurse working for Kingpin. What a perfect red herring (pun intended).

August 30, 2010

Review: Secret Avengers #4

Story: Ed Brubaker
Art: Mike Deodato, Jr.

Ed Brubaker's first arc on "Secret Avengers" comes to a clese with this one. The whole arc has been a good read, but I'm not sure if making them go to Mars as a first mission is a good idea. I'm starting to think that Brubaker chose this path because of Nova. There's a line in the last page of the issue where Steve says that Nova will be out of the group for a while, so that could mean the next arcs would involve the group just staying on Earth.

August 29, 2010

Review: Green Lantern Corps #51

Story: Tony Bedard
Art: Ardian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes

Tony Bedard's first arc on "Green Lantern Corps" is shaping up to be a real great read. Cyborg Superman has taken control of the Alpha Lanterns and used them to fight against the Green Lanterns. He kidnapped Ganthet to force him to change him back to a normal person again, so Cyborg Superman could be free from being immortal.

The opening scene of the issue is already great, showing how ruthless Cyborg Superman really is by ordering one of the Alpha-Lantern to kill himself (or itself?). He even made Ganthet feel a new emotion later on in the book.

August 28, 2010

Review: Brightest Day #8

Story: Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Patrick Gleason, Ivan Reis, Ardian Syaf

In the previous issue Boston Brand, Hawk and Dove were the main characters featured throughout the book whereas here the Hawks and Martian Manhunter lead the story, with a two page story of Hawk, Dove, and Deadman. Aquaman and Firestorm are nowhere to be found here.

We get a little backstory at how the fight between M'Gann and the mysterious green martian happened in issue #6. But we still don't get any information from the martian antagonist aside from the fact that she is really a green martian and hates white martians with a passion.

Review: Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1

Story: Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Fernando Pasarin

Peter J. Tomasi left "Green Lantern Corps" and went on to write another new Green Lantern-related title, "Emerald Warriors". The title features three main characters - Guy Gardner, Ganthet, and Atrocitus - but we get our hands on Guy for this launch issue. But is it as good as the "Green Lantern Corps?"

Unfortunately, it's not. In "Green Lantern Corps" we get to see pretty much the whole corps. And Guy Gardner works well in that book as one of the many supporting characters for the book.

August 24, 2010

Review: Shadowland #2

Story: Andy Diggle
Art: Billy Tan

Let me get things straight, I love Daredevil. He's one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. Unfortunately, I'm starting to have doubts about this book.

A huge ninja headquarters in the middle of Hell's Kitchen declaring martial law with Daredevil leading it? That's the main plot of Shadowland. It actually sounds like a great idea if you ask me. However, it stills feels like there's something missing in this book.

August 10, 2010

Review: Brightest Day #7

Story: Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Ardian Syaf, Scott Clark, Joe Prado

After establishing the status quo and experimenting with the newly reborn characters, Johns and Tomasi finally sets the plot forward in a significant pace in this issue. We finally learn what the white entity wants for the twelve resurrected to do.

In this issue, we see all the featured twelve characters make an appearance, although some of them in just a short exposure. For instance, Captain Boomerang and the new Black Adam only get shown in one panel.

August 8, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #639

Story: Joe Quesada
Art: Paolo Rivera, Joe Quesada, Danny Miki, Richard Isanove

Last issue explained how the wedding of Peter Parker and Mary Jane never happened. This time the team explains why they stayed together after what happened in the wedding. Those Spider-Man comics over the years with Peter and MJ still happened right?

While last issue mixed new content with panels from "The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21," this time it's all new content from the Quesada and Rivera. As a result, this issue flows a little better than the last one.

August 2, 2010

Street Fighter X Tekken Announced!

Yoshinori Ono, producer of Super Street Fighter IV, has announced a new crossover game in SDCC. Street Fighter X Tekken (pronounced as "cross") will pit two of the best fighting games today against each other in a 2D gameplay.

Watch the trailer and gameplay after the cut.

August 1, 2010

Review: Green Lantern #56

Story: Geoff Johns
Art: Doug Mahnke, Christian Alamy, Tom Nguyen, Keith Champagne

The more I read about Larfleeze, the more interesting he gets for me. He gets a lot of face time in this issue. Larfleeze has decided to live in Earth because of the fact that humans share the same insatiable desire as him.

Most of the time, he comes off as a comic relief whenever he makes an appearance. But I bet that is Larfleeze's charm. Geoff Johns sure knows how to develop this character, as Larfleeze discovers about Santa Claus. That part really come off as funny to me because of Larfleeze's background.

Review: Green Lantern Corps #50

Story: Tony Bedard
Art: Adrian Syaf, Vicente Cifuentes

The last time we saw Cyborg Superman was three years ago in the "Sinestro Corps War." By the end of the arc, we see his brain got taken by the Manhunters. Tony Bedard takes the character from where he got left off and gives him a new direction in this issue.

For those who don't know much about Cyborg Superman, Bedard gives us a quick background check of the character. He gives us the whole origin of the character in just a single page. Next, Bedard explains what happened to Hank Henshaw after the Sinestro Corps War ended.

July 29, 2010

Review: Secret Avengers #3

Story: Ed Brubaker
Art: Mike Deodato Jr.

After the great first two issue of Secret Avengers, this third one sets in pretty slow. Here we are introduced to the real threat, which I think should have been introduced last issue or so. Although Nova may seem the antagonist here (in a way, he is), apparently there is a much bigger threat behind all of this.

Brubaker introduces us to a new character in the opening scene, Aloysius Thorndrake, a man who came from a post-Civil War America and then got sucked into a dimensional plane. Later it is revealed that Thorndrake is actually the boss of Nick Fury (is this really THE Nick Fury?) and the Shadow Council, and he knows much more about the crowns.

July 26, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #638

Story: Joe Quesada, Jim Shooter, David Michelinie
Art: Joe Quesada, Paolo Rivera, Danny Miki, Richard Isanove, Paul Ryan

It's been more than two years since the dreaded arc "One More Day" changed the status quo in the Spider-Man universe (i.e. undoing the marriage of Peter and MJ, Peter making a deal with Mephisto) and angered fans all over the world (including me), thus dropping the book altogether (I didn't). However, the stories after OMD were good with solid art that it made me accept the change.

July 24, 2010

Review: Brightest Day #6

Story: Geoff Johns, Peter J. Tomasi
Art: Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Scott Clark, Joe Prado

In every issue of Brightest Day there's always a lead character. This time it's J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter. Throughout the book, the lead character's story is spread out with the other characters' story in between. As a result, the pacing is of the general story of the book is moving pretty slow since Johns and Tomasi are dealing with twelve characters in the title.

However, we still get some developments about the characters bit by bit during each segment, like how it was revealed that Mera is actually an assassin and that Siren is Mera's younger sister. Well if you read the previous issue, it was pretty obvious.

July 20, 2010


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July 18, 2010

Review: Secret Avengers #2

Story: Ed Brubaker
Art: Mike Deodato, Jr., Will Conrad

After a great start with the launch issue, now we find Steve Rogers and his team in Mars, mainly to rescue Nova. However, things may be a little more complicated than that, as we get to read through.

Writing "Captain America" certainly helped Brubaker in writing Steve Rogers, showing why he has been the leader of the Avengers for so long. Another character he seems to write well is Beast. Maybe Brubaker's stint with "Uncanny X-Men" also gave him an advantage.

July 16, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #637

Story: Joe Kelly
Art: Michael Lark, Marco Checchetto, Stefano Gaudiano, Matt Southworth

Just like the previous issue, Marco Checchetto comes back to help with the art alongside Michael Lark. However, we get TWO MORE fill-in artists for this issue - Stefano Gaudiano and Matt Southworth - which seems to be happening a lot lately in the Spidey books. Now that I've seen more of Checchetto's art, I can say for myself that I wish he drew the whole Grim Hunt arc. That's not to say Lark's art was ugly. Checchetto's use of shadows fit more with the theme. His panels are more dynamic compared to the other artists in the issue. Plus, and I've said this before, he draws a pretty good Kraven.

July 15, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #636

Story: Joe Kelly
Art: Michael Lark, Marco Checchetto

Amazing Spider-Man #636 slows down the pace compared to the previous two issues which involved a lot of action and suspense. Kraven is finally resurrected by the Kravinoffs, but how does the man feel about it? This issue takes a look at how Kraven feels about his resurrection. Spider-Man doesn't make much of an appearance here.

Speaking of Spider-Man, I think it's pretty obvious that the Spider-Man we see here hung up on Kraven's wall with a huge stick sticking out of his chest and two knives stabbed in both his shoulders isn't the Spider-Man we know. There's also an explanation on how Kaine got into a Spidey suit just in the nick of time. Apparently, as Peter fell into the pit from last issue, Kaine was immediately there to save him. I have no idea how he got there that fast, but anyway, Kaine takes the suit from Peter, punches him in the face, and buries him alive. That's Kaine's "hero moment."

March 13, 2010

Bowen Captain America Mini-Bust

I wasn't able to get myself the original Captain America mini-bust from Bowen that was released way before, so I was excited to get this one. Cap finally got the bust revisit he deserved. The original Cap bust was great, but I thought Cap should get a new sculpt with arms. And finally it's here.

More pics after the cut.

March 3, 2010

I Am a New Avenger

Marvel has announced the "New Avengers" title will relaunch in June with Brian Michael Bendis as writer and Stuart Immonen as artist. And just this week, Marvel has already released two teaser images as to who will be a part of this team.

So far, it has to a no surprise for me.

February 18, 2010

Ibuki, Makoto & Dudley SSFIV Trailer

With the recent confirmation of the worst kept secret of new characters to be added in SSFIV, Capcom finally released a new trailer featuring Ibuki, Makoto, & Dudley from Street Fighter III. So far all the rumored characters were all correct, and that leaves us with Hakan, a wrestler who's obsessed with oil.

You can check more screenshots of the new characters here. And there's a teaser at the end of the video that pretty much confirms Hakan.

February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day With Super Street Fighter IV

Capcom-Unity greets us a "Happy Valentine's Day!" by posting some cool Valentine's Day greeting cards that you could send to your loved ones. And pretty much leave the impression of how much of a Street Fighter gamer you are. Be ready for a Tiger Uppercut from your girlfriend afterwards.

Also, Capcom posted a trailer for SSFIV featuring some girl-on-girl action with Chun Li, Cammy, and Juri. We'd rather have that than some new character reveals right? Trailer looks kick-ass and hot though.

February 11, 2010

New "Secret Avengers" Teaser Images

After the announcement of the new title "Secret Avengers", two new teaser images have been released by Marvel. These two new images depict the two characters wearing capes. One is a silhouette of a woman, while the other seems to be a man.

Secret Avengers #1 hits stores in May 2010 featuring the creative team of Ed Brubaker and Mike Deodato.

February 9, 2010

I Am a Secret Avenger

Marvel released a new teaser image for a new Avenger book, named "Secret Avengers", written by Ed Brubaker and art by Mike Deodato to be released this May along with Avengers #1.

So it seems that "Avengers" isn't the only Avengers title after Siege like what was rumored before. Teaser image after the cut.

February 7, 2010

I Am an Avenger

After the announcement of Marvel's "The Heroic Age", the Avengers title will have a relaunch with "Avengers" #1 in May, written by Brian Michael Bendis and art by John Romita Jr. Also, Marvel is slowly revealing who the members are in the group with promotional images.

Images after the cut.

Marvel: The Heroic Age

The reign of Norman Osborn is coming to an end. With Marvel's "Siege" event, heroes will turn the status quo back to the way it was before, where the Marvel Universe shines again with its heroes full of optimism and enthusiasm.

January 13, 2010

Bowen Daredevil Classic Mini-Bust

Daredevil is one of my favorite Marvel characters along with Spider-Man and others. That's why I've been looking for this bust since I started collecting. I'm not into buying online (yet) so it's hard to find old pieces in local comic stores. These things are limited after all. But patience really is a virtue. When I went to a comic book store yesterday I saw this bust there and I immediately bought it!

January 12, 2010

Druid's Keep: A Trip to Magallanes

When I first heard of Druid's Keep, it got me wondering why I've never heard of the comic book store before. But now I know the answer - it's far. It's not located in your usual malls like SM or others. But everybody keeps saying that this is the place to be if you're looking for superhero collectibles such as statues and busts. In short, geek heaven. That was the only thing I needed to start looking for the place. And it's located in Paseo de Magallanes.

This post is about my adventure with a friend going to Druid's Keep.

January 7, 2010

New Super Street Fighter IV Trailer - 3rd Costume and New Ultras

It's the new year, and we've got a new trailer for SSFIV from Capcom! In this trailer, Capcom shows us some new ultras that they have previously announced. The only one shown before was Ryu's Metsu Shoryuken. But now we get more from the other characters. I especially like Fei Long's new ultra! 1 inch punch for the win!

As for the new costumes, some are good and some are just... meh. Aside from those, Capcom added some new rival cutscenes - Adon VS. Sagat, Dee Jay VS. Rufus, and so on.

I'm so hyped for this game! Here's the video: