October 25, 2010

Review: Green Lantern Corps #53

Story: Tony Bedard
Art: Tyler Kirkham, Batt

Bedard's "Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns" arc just finished last issue, and it proved Bedard to be a great writer for the book. Here comes the first chapter of his new arc, "The Weaponer," and it doesn't fall short to his previous story.

The issue focuses more on the tandem of Kyle Rayner and Soranik, who's role would be essential to the story later on. Judging from this issue, the story seems to build up from the "Sinestro Corps War" as it focuses on Sinestro's relationship with the Weaponer of Qward.

It seems The Weaponer has created a shield from the White construct he found way back in an issue of Brightest Day. He easily beats Kyle Rayner in Korugar, kidnaps Soranik, and orders Kyle to get Sinestro to Qward. We're still left without an explanation for this mad-on towards Sinestro as clearly forged Sinestro's ring in the early pages of the book.

Kirkham is the artist for this issue. I don't much complaints about his art, although there some panels where Kyle looked like Batman. But that's just me, I guess. His style gets a little sketchy at times, but it's all good.

This issue of "Green Lantern Corps" sets up a possible big fight between the Weaponer and Sinestro, with Kyle and Soranik caught in the middle of all of it. Bedard's writing reads almost the same as Tomasi's, and I'm sure fans will be happy with that. I know I am.

Rating: 4/5


  1. dude, can I ask you something? From what country did comics came from? :D

  2. What do you mean? This specific comic book came from the US.
