September 26, 2008

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #71: Quicksilver

The rebellious son of Magneto: Pietro Maximoff.

What can I say, I'm currently watching the "Wolverine and the X-Men" cartoon and X-Men hype has taken over me again. And Quicksilver's one of the few guys that showed up in the first few episodes. I wonder why his power is super speed when his father's the master of magnetism.

My outfit looks gay.

September 20, 2008

Deadpool Mini-Bust by Bowen Designs

Here's what I got today: a Deadpool mini-bust by Bowen (the manufacturer). It's the merc'-with-a-mouth baby!

I got this mini-bust from a fellow forum member. This will be my last haul for a long time since I'm gonna save up more again starting now.

At first he was an X-Men villain, but he has enough charisma that he eventually made it to his own comic book. So now, he's more of an anti-hero than a villain.

He's one of the only characters I know that has broken the fourth wall in comics (along with the Joker), which means Deadpool knows that he's just a comic book character in a comic book.


face close-up

close-up with flash

back shot

back close-up

This bust is limited to 2500 pieces around the world. Well, I got the 1300th piece.

September 16, 2008

Captain Puerto Rico!

I'm feeling bored and lazy so I'm blogging this. Apparently, a certain superhero is having a little confusion with his costume.

Here's a hint.

The title and that shield might have given away the general idea of this post. So what about Captain America?

Before I get to the stupid realization I have in mind, I'm gonna show you a picture of the real Captain America. I guess most, if not all, people already know him. At least most people know what he looks like.

Steve Rogers. Captain America.

Anyway he's dead. But the symbol of Captain America didn't end here. Captain America must live on! So his longtime partner, Bucky Barnes, takes over the mantle of Cap to continue his legacy. Here he is.

"I'm the new Captain America! And I'm carrying a gun."

But wait! There's something wrong here. That's not Captain America! I mean look at his costume. That's not the American Flag. That's the flag of......

Puerto Rico! It's Captain Puerto Rico! Go back to Puerto Rico you illegal immigrant!

September 13, 2008

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #58: Yellowjacket and the Wasp

Presenting the original couple of the Avengers, Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne.

Hank Pym is one troubled Avenger. He already had multiple superhero identities - Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, and now Yellowjacket. To add more, he has occasional quarrels with his wife, the Wasp.

I don't even wear a jacket. I'm just yellow.

Yellowjacket and the Wasp. One of the best sculpted figurines I have so far.

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #65: Black Bolt

The king of the Inhumans always like to keep it silent, so be sure to not make Black Bolt even whisper a single word.

His full name is Blackagar Boltagon, but you can call him Black Bolt for short. Contrary to his super hero name, he doesn't have lightning powers, and he certainly isn't black.

In all of the history of Marvel, you'd only hear him speak a few times, and only in times of emergency. His power comes from his voice, a mere whisper could destroy a whole city block down. His whole race lives on the moon, by the way.

I really didn't care about him at first. But when I read his comic book, The Inhumans, I had a newfound respect for this king.

The magazine.

Full body shot.

A closer look at Black Bolt.

My favorite shot of Black Bolt. Oh, when he speaks the horn on his mask sparkles.

September 10, 2008

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection Special: Galactus

Meet the world devourer, Galactus.

I was so excited when I got Galactus. It's hard to find this nowadays. I always liked this purple giant for some reason. He looks stupid and cool at the same time.

Out of my excitement, I took him out of the box. It was nice seeing him outside of the box (as is with the other figures). Unfortunately, I accidentally chipped the right horn of his helmet. And so, this happened.

"Now I'm deaf on my right ear."

Why do you have a weird looking helmet in the first place, Galactus?! You look like a big totem-pole bobblehead.

And here's the broken part.

Double damage: When the piece fell from Galactus' head, it broke in half when it landed on the floor.

After crying for 10 seconds, I thought of some remedies for this unfortunate incident.
- Buy another one (which is probably not the best option, but I'm considering this).
- Put it back on his head. I could still put the other half back to his head. But the other half would be impossible)
- Modify him to make it look battle-damaged, which means destroy him some more.
- Accept the fact that he's already broken and cry.

Oh well good thing I still have another Galactus figure. But it's not this kind. :D

September 6, 2008

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #57: Mysterio

Now it's another Spider-Man villain, the good ol' fishbowl head.

For some reason, Mysterio's one of my favorite Spider-Man villains. I really don't know why, maybe because of his dome head or his cocky lines. Or maybe he just grew on me as I watched the old cartoon. Well he looks cool sometimes.

The magazine with all his info.

My lead figure.

The official shot from the website.

September 4, 2008

Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #8: Green Goblin

Probably the most dangerous collectible figure line: Marvel Figure Collection. And by dangerous, I really mean hazardous to your health.

This line is being manufactured in the UK. Yep, never imagined them sculpting figures this good. For such a small figure (around 3.5" high), the detail is superb. It caught even the slightest tiny detail.

The figure comes with a magazine. It contains all the information about the character - history, biography, appearances - everything. So it's really informative.

The Dr. Doom figure was already gone so I just got the Green Goblin instead.

One thing to note is that this figure is made of lead. So it's daaaaaaangerous. I just have to be careful then and not eat it.

Here's the figure. It's kinda heavy since it's cast in lead. I have no plans in removing it from its box (for my own safety). Well, at least until I get a better display case.

For comparison shot, I took this from the official site. I gotta say, my figure is much better than this official shot. Haha!

Here's the warning found on the plastic. To put it simply: eat it and die. So never put it in your mouth and wash your hands after. But come to think of it, what's more dangerous: the harmful effect of lead to the kid when he eats it or what you'll do to the kid when you catch him eating your figure.

I'm now attracted to this line and I plan on getting the other ones, which is a lot. Haha!