November 23, 2010

Review: Amazing Spider-Man #648

Story: Dan Slott
Art: Humberto Ramos

"Brand New Day" is over, and "Big Time" starts. Now, Dan Slott is the sole writer of the book, with artists rotating between Humberto Ramos, Marcos Martin, and Stefano Caselli. With this, I hope the storytelling and flow between stories become more consistent compared to when the book had several writers.

This issue features an all-star cast - Avengers, Sinister Six, the supporting cast of Spider-Man appear in the book. Slott has laid the groundwork on this issue that will play out as time goes by.

Slott definitely wrote the story here catering to new readers while still giving old readers a ride on Spider-Man's world. He introduced each supporting cast member well with a character background, leaving no one behind.

One good thing about this issue is Slott's acknowledgement of Spider-Man's intelligence. Through the years, Spidey's intellect has been put on the wayside by many writers, when clearly Peter Parker is one of the most intelligent person in the Marvel Universe. It's good to see his brains finally got him employed.

The Sinister Six's appearance is mostly fan service, as the other members like Sandman, Rhino, Mysterio certainly didn't do anything significant. Although Slott gave them character backgrounds for the new readers. There's also a new villain introduced that's been following J. Jonah Jameson around. His costume doesn't look that good to me, though. And an old villain has finally made his return to the book.

As Slott created new relationships (i.e. Flash and Betty are together now), it's interesting the he wrote Michelle Gonzales out of the book. But since Vin is back, there's no reason for Michele to stick around. On the other hand, Harry Osborn seems to be out of the book already.

Humberto Ramos' art is surprisingly good. I'm not really a fan of cartoony drawing, especially in American comic books, but his art looks really amazing here. His action scenes are great and his facial expressions really show off. At some points, his art has a Chris Bachalo feel to it.

The book certainly feels a lot more positive compared to the "Brand New Day" era. Fans will be pleased to see Peter Parker's life in a more optimistic point of view. With the return of a classic villain, I know I'm excited for "Big Time".

Rating: 4.5/5

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