July 19, 2011

Green Lantern Infographic

You've probably already seen the Ryan Reynolds-starred "Green Lantern" movie and wondered, "what the hell is Green Lantern about again?" Well let's face it, one of the reasons why that movie didn't go so well is because of the information overload the movie relayed to the audience. Even fans like me thought it was hard to keep up with all the character developments in the movie.

Luckily, I stumbled upon a Green Lantern infographic while browsing Newsarama and decided to share it. It's a good way to familiarize yourself with the Green Lantern universe, if you're still interested. The Green Lantern universe is fascinating and thrilling. However, it's very big and convoluted for new readers to easily understand the concept of the whole character. This infographic explains the background, history and other important things to introduce you into Green Lantern.

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