September 26, 2011

Review: Green Lantern Corps #1

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: Fernando Pasarin, Scott Hanna

It was disappointing that Peter J. Tomasi's run in "Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors" was just so-so considering his run on the previous "Green Lantern Corps" was a very fun read. He understood the GLC, giving each member their time to shine whenever possible, complete with interesting stories.

I actually liked Tony Bedard's run on "Green Lantern Corps" more than Tomasi's. But it's interesting to see Tomasi back on the title and see what his plans are now that Kyle Rayner is out of the book.

It's great to see Guy Gardner and John Stewarts' human lives and how their Green Lantern duties affect it. Tomasi is clever in using these plot points as a means to introduce the two main characters in the book, while also explaining to readers how the Green Lantern power ring works. I think all these are necessary in first issues especially when attracting new readers. Something which lacks in Geoff Johns' "Green Lantern" #1.

We get a tease in the beginning regarding the villains in this story. Although they will be eventually revealed later on, I have a feeling they would be one of those "long lost people who swear revenge against the Green Lantern Corps" groups that we've all seen before. I hope to be proven wrong, though. In addition, the scene where apparently a whole planet's water got sucked out left me confused me the first time I read through it. I actually didn't know what happened there and had to read it again.

As for the art, Fernando Pasarin's art looks better here than I can remember before. The facial expressions he draws for the characters really stands out of the pages. And I have to say his backgrounds are gorgeous. Every panel in the book has detailed backgrounds that adds to the story and feel of the book.

Overall, the re-introductions of Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and rest of the Green Lantern universe are a nice touch for readers, and certainly the bulk of characterization and focus is on those two. However, the plot in this first issue is just average. We get a tease of the villains, but it's hard to care for the villainy things they do in this issue since I think Tomasi just created some random GLs and a planet that we don't know. Nevertheless, I'm still sticking for issue #2 and see where it goes.

Rating: 3/5

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