September 25, 2011

Review: Batman #1

Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion

Green Lantern titles are the only comic books I read in DC Comics. I get a few collected editions DC's big events from time to time. But when DC announced they will relaunch everything in their line-up, I thought it would be a perfect jumping on point to other titles.

I always wanted to get into Batman, as he's probably the only other superhero I care about in the DC Universe. And with this "New 52" relaunch, I'm sure glad I picked this title up.

Snyder doesn't waste time on this first issue. It out with Batman's rogues gallery early on in the story and also adds in a little surprise for the readers. He uses this scene to set-up a new technology that I believe Batman will use for the rest of the story - a contact lens that has remote access to the Batcave computers. With this new tech, Snyder introduces the other members of the Bat family through little information boxes throughout the pages that only Bruce Wayne can see.

I've never read anything written by Scott Snyder before, but I have to say the pacing in this issue is good. He balances out the story showing both sides of one person - Batman and Bruce Wayne - enough for the readers to get an idea on who the main character is. And by the end of the story, we get a really good cliffhanger that holds dear to Bruce Wayne.

This is the first time I've encountered Capullo's art. His art has this cartoon feel to it, not that it's bad. His action scenes look really great and I could feel the punches Batman throws out to his villains. Furthermore, his take on the villains are interesting, especially Two-Face. However, I have to say the characters in the book pretty much look alike. I'll even go as far as to say that Lincoln March even look more like Bruce Wayne that the real Bruce Wayne. But those are just minor observations from me.

The book has great pacing and story that will surely intrigue readers (I know I am). Moreover, it shows all sides of Batman with action scenes and detective work, the things we know he does best. The mood is perfect and shifts with the story as shown in Capullo's art. With that said, I can't wait for issue #2.

Rating: 4.5/5

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