April 5, 2011

"Green Lantern" WonderCon 2011 Trailer

In case you missed the first trailer of "Green Lantern", the recently held WonderCon 2011 premiered an exclusive trailer for the movie. This one is MUCH longer than the first trailer, clocking in at 4 minutes! In fact, I don't know if you could still call this a trailer.

This trailer contains a lot of new footage of other members of the Green Lantern Corps, including Sinestro, Abin Sur, Tomar-Re, and Kilowog. We also get a glimpse of a dirt-looking creature that attacks Abin Sur, maybe it's Parallax?

Hit the jump to see the trailer!

To be honest, the first trailer didn't hype me up for the movie. It was actually pretty bland and a bit disappointing, mainly because of Ryan Reynolds' portrayal of Hal Jordan. But this one looks much better and at least it got me to accept Reynold's as Hal Jordan. Oh, and this trailer pretty much summed up Abin Sur's story.

I actually got goosebumps when he recites the Green Lantern oath.


  1. Huh, did they remove the playboy angle? Or are they just diverting attention to the special effects and battle scenes in the movie? Personally speaking, I think I might like the movie without that angle, as its been overused to death. When is this showing again? Or is it on already? Haha, I'm obviously not a movie person...

  2. It's coming up in June. This trailer is just to show the fans a glimpse of what the Green Lanterns and Oa will look like. Too much CG for me, though.
