November 19, 2009

Green Lantern Corps #42

Note: Contains some spoilers.

Green Lantern Corps #42 was released last week and that really was a shocker issue for me. A lot of things happened in that issue, and I mean a LOT. However, one particular scene in that issue really caught me off guard. It was totally unexpected for me that that was the reason Guy Gardner turns into a Red Lantern. I wasn't able to read the solicits for that particular issue but I doubt DC would put it there.

It seems the pacing of events in this Green Lantern Corps issue went slow then finally accelerated in the end. Peter Tomasi crams in several things in the book. But when you put in a lot of content in a 22-page comic book, you're sure to get something disappointing in return.

The book contains a lot of action and fights. In fact, the whole book is just full of fighting - undead children with their undead parents trying to kill Green Lanterns mixed in with a Red Lantern killing all those undead Lanterns.

Despite all that, there's one scene in this issue that surely means something significant. It's actually in the last few pages where things really get moving. Just when the corps couldn't handle the barrage of attacks from the Black Lanterns anymore, Kyle Rayner sacrifices himself to save the Green Lantern Corps Central Battery.

Kyle Rayner is dead.

So my favorite Green Lantern "dies" in here. And Guy Gardner gets hella mad and finally becomes a Red Lantern. Now let's see that in next issue!


  1. Don't they resurrect or something?

  2. ^ Major characters in comic books only remain dead for sometime until the writer decides to revive them and finds a way how to do it.

    But some characters still are dead until today.
