January 29, 2011

Marvel VS. Capcom 3 Episodic Trailers

Marvel and Capcom has been releasing long trailers for their long awaited game "Marvel VS. Capcom 3". Their not just your normal trailer though. Each trailer holds its own story while slowly revealing new characters as they release a new trailer (episode).

If you wanna see Marvel fighting Capcom characters in a cinematic way, then you better watch this trailers!

January 16, 2011

First Photo of Andrew Garfield As Spider-Man Released!

The internet has been buzzing lately with the first official look at Andrew Garfield donning the Spider-Man suit for the reboot movie. Apparently, the costume has been redesigned. It still retains the classic look of Spider-Man's costume, but with a tweaks here and there.

Full photo after the jump.

January 9, 2011

"Thor" Classic Version Mini-Bust by Bowen

This is my first collectible for the year 2011 - Bowen's Thor classic version mini-bust. I've been waiting a long time for a new Thor mini-bust to come since the old Bowen Thor bust doesn't come with arms. But now here he is, the God of Thunder!

DC Comics Superhero Collection Special: Kilowog

I got a new lead figure weeks ago, but I just got to posting it now. Here's the big guy of the Green Lantern Corps: Kilowog.